Davis-Stirling Act Information An excellent resource for California's community associations with a library of forms, indexed laws, a job market, mediation services, and more. [more]
Weather Planner Long range weather forecasting. 30 day forecasts for your city. [more]
Learn2 A next-generation learning site, learn2 covers the gamut; calisthenics, cat-grooming, and choosing cooking oils are among it hundreds of offerings. [more]
Digital Think This excellent online training site offers a broad spectrum of courses from Internet Literacy through Lotus, Microsoft, Java, Unix, and other topics. [more]
Financial Engines If you are one of the 30 million Americans who have invested in a 401(k) plan, run, do not walk, to Financial Engines. A Stanford economics professor has built an investment simulation engine to... [more]
Investorama Doug Gerlach`s site is packed with good stuff on all types of investments: commodities, mutual funds, stocks by sector, day trading, and real estate. A major feature is the huge directory of... [more]
Investment Club Central If the Beard`s Town Ladies can do it, surely you can too, and here`s a great place to start. Find out about starting investment clubs at this site, with liks to articles, books, tutorials, research... [more]
FinanCenter The fun never stops at Financenter, with some 110 calculators for auto and home loans, investing, insurance, credit cards and more. [more]
Bankrate The name doesn`t quite tell the story. Bankrate is a terrific site focused on every kind on non-investment financial product. It provides a wealth of information on credit unions, auto loans, home... [more]